The speed and responsiveness of your website play a critical role in attracting and retaining customers. To achieve this, you need to understand and optimize key web performance metrics such as Interaction to Next Paint (INP). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain the significance of INP, share practical strategies for improving it, and offer real-world examples. At the end, we’ll introduce Codaeble, our development service, ready to help you enhance your website’s Interaction to Next Paint and overall user experience.


In the competitive digital landscape, your website’s performance is a defining factor in capturing and retaining your audience. Users demand quick loading times and responsive interactions. Slow websites can lead to user frustration and ultimately impact your SEO rankings. This guide is tailored for business owners looking to optimize user experience and boost their online presence through a deeper understanding of the Interaction to Next Paint metric.

INP, in simple terms, measures the time it takes for a webpage to respond to user interactions and complete the next visual paint. It quantifies the delay between a user’s action, like clicking a button or tapping the screen, and the browser’s visual response.

While INP might seem like a technical metric, it holds the key to improving user experience and SEO rankings. This guide will demystify INP, explore its significance, and provide actionable strategies for achieving a more responsive website.


Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

The Significance of INP

Unraveling INP

Interaction to Next Paint is a critical web performance metric that focuses on your website’s responsiveness to user interactions. This includes actions like clicking, tapping, or entering data into forms. INP measures the time it takes for the browser to process these interactions and for the next visual update or “paint” to occur on the screen.

Why should business owners care about INP? The answer is clear: a fast Interaction to Next Paint translates to a superior user experience. When your website responds promptly to user actions, it leads to user satisfaction, longer visit durations, and increased chances of conversion. Conversely, a sluggish Interaction to Next Paint can drive users away and impact your SEO rankings.

INP as a Core Web Vital

Google, a leading search engine and arbiter of online visibility, has elevated INP to the status of a Core Web Vital. These metrics are central to assessing user experience and have a direct impact on your website’s SEO performance. INP, alongside other Core Web Vitals like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), is at the forefront of SEO optimization.

INP measures the time it takes for user interactions to yield a visible response on your website. A low INP score means that your website is responsive and user-friendly, which contributes to better user satisfaction and improved SEO rankings.

Understanding INP: Technical Aspects

While you don’t need to delve into the technical minutiae of INP, a basic understanding of how it works can empower you to make informed decisions about your website’s performance.

Input Processing

Input processing is the phase where your browser receives and handles user interactions, such as clicks and keyboard input. It involves interpreting the user’s actions and determining how they should affect the webpage. For example, when a user clicks a button, the browser processes this interaction and decides what visual change should occur in response.

The speed and efficiency of input processing directly impact INP. If your website’s input processing is slow, it can lead to a longer Interaction to Next Paint and a less responsive user experience.

Next Paint

The “next paint” represents the moment when your website updates its visual presentation. This is the point in time when the page appears to be fully loaded, and users can see and interact with its content without interruptions.

For INP, the critical factor is how quickly this “next paint” occurs after a user’s interaction. A fast Interaction to Next Paint score indicates that your website is providing a seamless and responsive experience.

The INP Optimization Journey

To enhance user interaction responsiveness and ultimately improve user experience and SEO, consider the following strategies for optimizing Interaction to Next Paint.

Strategies for Optimizing Interactive Elements

The speed at which your website’s interactive elements respond to user input is crucial for the Interaction to Next Paint. Here are some strategies to optimize these elements:

Streamline Interactive Elements

Identify and optimize elements such as buttons, links, and forms that may introduce delays in user interactions. Review the code associated with these elements to ensure it is efficient and responsive.

Example: An e-commerce platform streamlined the product selection process, reducing INP for adding items to the cart from 500 milliseconds to 50 milliseconds. This optimization resulted in significantly increased conversions and a more satisfying shopping experience.

Manage JavaScript Execution

JavaScript execution plays a pivotal role in determining INP. Efficient execution of JavaScript code is essential for ensuring that user interactions are swift and seamless. Consider the following strategies for managing JavaScript execution:

  • Minimize and Optimize: Review and optimize your JavaScript code, removing redundant or unnecessary parts that may slow down execution.
  • Load Non-Essential Scripts Asynchronously: Implement asynchronous loading for non-essential JavaScript scripts. This prevents these scripts from blocking critical interactions, such as form submissions.

Example: A news website achieved a 30% improvement in INP and a noticeable reduction in user frustration by optimizing its JavaScript code, resulting in a more responsive user experience.

Leverage Asynchronous Loading

Asynchronous loading is a technique that allows non-essential scripts and assets to load in the background, without blocking the loading of critical content. This approach ensures that the user can interact with the page while these non-essential elements load separately.

Example: A travel booking platform optimized INP by loading non-essential scripts asynchronously. This allowed critical functions, such as date selection and search, to be instantly accessible to users, resulting in a more responsive and engaging experience.

INP Optimization Best Practices

To achieve the best results in optimizing INP, it’s important to take a comprehensive approach to enhancing user interaction responsiveness. Here are some best practices that can contribute to a lower INP:

Optimize Images

Images often constitute a significant portion of a webpage’s assets. Optimizing images can have a substantial impact so consider the following image optimization techniques:

Choose the Right Format

Select the appropriate image format for your web content. Modern formats like WebP offer better compression without compromising visual quality. Using the right format can reduce image file sizes and improve loading times.

Compress Images

Utilize image compression tools to reduce the file size of images while maintaining their visual quality. Compressed images load faster, contributing to a lower INP.

Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique that loads images as users scroll down the page, rather than all at once. This approach can significantly speed up the initial page load, as it prioritizes the loading of visible content.

Example: A blog with image-heavy content achieved a significant improvement in INP by optimizing images. This reduced the load time for articles and enhanced user engagement, as visitors could access content more quickly.

Interaction to Next Paint
Interaction to Next Paint

2. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are a powerful tool for reducing Interaction to Next Paint latency. CDNs work by distributing a website’s assets, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets, across multiple servers located in various geographic regions. This distribution minimizes the physical distance between users and content, resulting in faster load times.

Example: An e-commerce website experienced a 40% reduction in INP latency for users in different geographic regions after implementing a CDN. This improvement contributed to a more responsive and satisfying user experience.

3. Responsive Design

A responsive design ensures that your website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions. This adaptability is crucial for providing a consistent and swift user experience, regardless of the device users are accessing your site from.

Example: An online news portal observed a 25% increase in mobile user engagement after implementing responsive design principles. This improved user experience positively impacted INP, as users on various devices could enjoy a smooth and responsive interaction with the website.

Advanced INP Optimization Strategies

If you’re looking to take INP optimization to the next level, consider these advanced strategies:

1. Transition to a Serverless Architecture

A serverless architecture eliminates the need to manage physical servers. In a serverless setup, functions and scripts are executed on-demand, ensuring that there is no delay in processing user interactions.

Example: A media streaming service migrated to a serverless architecture and achieved near-instant Interaction to Next Paint. This resulted in instant playback for users, enhancing their experience significantly.

2. Regular Monitoring and Testing

Consistent monitoring and testing are essential for maintaining a low INP. Regularly evaluate your website’s performance and employ testing tools to identify and resolve INP issues. Some of the valuable tools for INP optimization include Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and WebPageTest.

Example: An e-learning platform consistently maintained an INP below 50 milliseconds through monthly tests and audits. This commitment to testing provided users with a satisfying and responsive experience.

3. User-Centric Design

Incorporate a user-centric design approach into your website development process. Prioritize INP and responsiveness from the early stages of design and development. Consider user feedback and behavior as key indicators for improving INP.

Example: A website adopted a user-centric design approach, resulting in scores of under 100 milliseconds. This change significantly enhanced user satisfaction and ensured a more responsive interaction with government services.

The INP Success Story

Real-world examples of Interaction to Next Paint optimization in action provide valuable insights and inspiration for website owners and developers. Let’s explore a case study that demonstrates the impact of optimizing Interaction to Next Paint.

Case Study: E-commerce Powerhouse

A e-commerce platform faced a significant challenge. Users were experiencing delays when attempting to add products to their shopping carts. This delay was negatively impacting conversion rates and user satisfaction.

Optimization Steps Taken:

  1. Interactive Element Streamlining: The e-commerce platform conducted a thorough review of the product selection process. They identified bottlenecks and optimized the code responsible for processing user input. This streamlined the process and reduced the Interaction to Next Paint for adding items to the cart.
  2. JavaScript Optimization: The platform embarked on a mission to streamline its JavaScript code. They removed redundant code and ensured efficient execution. This optimization considerably improved the overall responsiveness of the website.
  3. Asynchronous Loading: The team implemented asynchronous loading for non-essential scripts. This approach allowed critical functions, such as adding items to the cart, to load promptly, enhancing the INP for critical user interactions.

Results Achieved:

  • INP for adding items to the cart reduced from 500 milliseconds to a mere 50 milliseconds.
  • The improved responsiveness and swifter user interactions resulted in a 20% increase in conversion rates.
  • User feedback reported a significant reduction in frustration and a seamless shopping experience.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of INP Optimization

The world of web performance is rapidly evolving, and Interaction to Next Paint is at the forefront of this revolution. Its emphasis on user interactions and responsiveness has made it a crucial metric for ensuring an exceptional user experience. By following the Interaction to Next Paint optimization strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can embark on a journey to elevate your website’s performance, engage users more effectively, and stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape.


Remember, the key to web performance excellence lies in understanding the user’s perspective and optimizing your website to cater to their expectations. Interaction to Next Paint plays a vital role in achieving this goal. As you continue to prioritize Interaction to Next Paint and enhance user interaction responsiveness, you will not only provide a better user experience but also improve your website’s SEO rankings, ensuring long-term success in the digital realm.

Ready to Elevate Your Interaction to Next Paint and User Experience?

If you’re looking to supercharge your website’s INP and overall user experience, Codaeble is here to help.

Contact Codaeble today to take your website to the next level of performance and user satisfaction.

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